Indians love freebies! Yeah, irrespective of economic status, when we hear the word ‘Free/Offer’ we would all love to lap it up, don’t we? However these freebies are just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of things which are available for free/reduced rates right under our noses! And frugal people spot them right!
For the uninitiated, the closest Indian word we could think of which means frugal is ‘Kanjoos’. You get the drift, right?
Well, here’s a list of things frugal people in India would rather not spend money on! It is a ‘steal’, something you should follow too! But hey, probably most of us would be doing it, but hardly noticed it! After all, saving money for a rainy day is an outright habit of every Desi.
Things Frugal People don’t Spend Money On
1) Avoid Fancy Coffee/Tea
Take a cue from frugal people, guys! Why spend on an expensive Starbucks coffee when you get instant coffee in the roadside chai/coffee shops at 1/4th the price. And add to it juicy gossip from the locals! Inviting a friend for coffee? We Indians just invite them home. Unless you are dreaming of impressing that really rich hot girl, stick to local chai/coffee and your pockets will be heavier!
2) Bottled Water for Free
Nothing as bad as paying a huge amount for a bottle of packaged water! Why waste money when you can carry safe, drinking water from home? Don’t even opt for the cheap water packets.
Water Bottle from home-> Free Water! Believe me, the extra weight is worth it!
3) Buying Garbage Covers is a crime
Every house has a plastic cover, full of plastic covers. That’s how we Indians save our covers. Every Indian home worth its salt uses the local Big Bazaar cover to dispose garbage. Follow this and use the extra money to buy more from Big Bazaar(free covers again!)
4) Haggling Auto Rates or get free rides
Now, isn’t this what every Indian does? Yes guys, if you belong to the rare breed of people who does not haggle over auto rates for even long distances, think again! Statistics indicate the average Indian saves Rs.500 haggling for auto rates. (Ok, we’re just kidding, but this sure will save you money.)
Or better still, hitch hike, Indian style, onto any bike which obliges you and ensures free rides.
5) Gadgets are meant to be reused! Again, and again, and again………….
In a typical country like USA, what does someone do when the remote does not work? Change batteries, of course!
Here’s frugality at it’s best!
The Indian style of tapping the remote on your palms till it works will surely ensure that your battery life extends beyond what is promised. If you are someone who rushes to change the batteries, try this technique and you will thank us over and over again!
6) Text Messages and Phone Calls
India is probably the only country in the world where a missed call signifies something important. Got a missed call from a friend? It could be the code for “I’ve boarded the bus”, “I’m missing you.” Or even “Let’s meet, I’m already there”. It’s better than calling up a person and paying a bomb to just convey a small message.
For texts, there is always Whatsapp. Better still, if you text a lot, avail packages from service providers which provide free SMS, free local calls and so on.
7) Reuse again! Pickle jars, cardboard boxes, anything..
Its not just gadgets! Most frugal Indians do not throw away their ketchup/ jam jars. They wash them, dry them and reuse them to store yummy home made achaar and other stuff. Even the carton in which the TV has arrived isn’t wasted! Use it to store your old clothes, old books, newspapers and so on.
EOD, when you dispose it off to the paper wala, you get money in return! Brilliant, right?
8) Save on Magazines/Newspapers

Beauty tips? Gossip? Anything which interests you can be found online for free. Sites like Pinterest are a source of many brilliant ideas. And, what better way to catch up on the latest news than by borrowing your neighbour’s newspaper? But remember to neatly fold up the newspaper and return it else who knows, he might not lend you again!
9) Entertainment for less
Don’t spend BIG money on entertainment! Let creativity run wild! That expensive trip to the mall or movies is just not worth it! We Indians are experts at cheap entertainment like visiting the local exhibition, picnic at the nearby park etc. This is something which everyone should follow! Because you will have just as much fun for free.
10) Upgrades
Ok, finally for some serious talk! Whenever you think of upgrading something, think twice. Numerous times we upgrade something only to realise that the basic or free version is just fine. Remember, upgrades are made to look pretty but they are rarely needed.
Cool ideas, right? We hope you enjoyed reading them! If you have some more tips on how to save money like frugal people, do share them with us!