How to cancel a ticket in Makemytrip? (Both partial and complete)
For cancelling tickets, you need to log in to your account (with which you booked tickets) and go to Customer support link.
Click on cancel bookings button under the flights section. You must have to enter the booking ID and the contact number that you gave at the time of booking.
Note that a certain amount will be deducted (cancellation penalty).
Can I change the dates of the travel?
Yes you can. You can call this number - 1-800-102 8747 and ask for a change in date. You will need to pay the fare difference that may exist between your original fare and the fare of the flight you want to change to.
What are the documents I need to carry?
You just need to carry a photo ID and a e ticket copy. In case you are having an infant with you, please carry the birth certificate. You need not carry the card with which you booked the tickets if you have booked through Makemytrip.
What is the baggage amount for the flight?
Baggage allowance may differ from airline to airline. Please check the website of the airline for more details.
How and when will I get Refund?
There are 2 cases –
- You’ve cancelled your booking from the airliner end.
- You’ve cancelled the booking on makemytrip itself.
In the former case you will be charged Rs. 250 as Makemytrip fees and you need to inform makemytrip as well.
Slow Internet - Didn’t receive confirmation mail or booking ID?
No worries. It’s simple. Just drop a mailto "[email protected]" or call the number 1–800–102–8747 and tell them about the issue. Once you are done the full amount will be refunded back to you without any cancellation fee within 3-4 business days.
What should you do when you miss a train?
You can fill a TDR form citing the reason at Makemytrip or on irctc website. However we advise you to fill the form at IRCTC rather than MMT. So that you can skip the cancellation fees from Makemytrip end. You can find more information regarding this on irctc page.
How does Makemytrip referral work?
- You earn Rs. 400 for every friend you refer. Your friend gets Rs. 800. Once your friend makes their first booking, you will get 10% of the total booking amount as wallet cash.
- There is no referral code. There will be a unique referral unique which you can share on several social platforms.
- Maximum amount you can earn referring people is Rs. 8000.
Note that you can use only a certain amount of ecash while booking at makemytrip. This amount may vary from flight – bus – hotel bookings.
- For Domestic flights – Rs. 500 or 5% of the total booking amount
- International Flights - Rs. 2000 or 5% of the total booking amount, whichever is lower
- Hotels - Rs. 4,000 or 25% of the total booking amount
- Bus – Rs. 50 or 10% Of the total booking amount
When will my ecash expire?
Your ecash (that you’ve added to your wallet will not expire. But your promotional cash you earned on referrals will expire in 3 months.
Can I retrieve back money from my my wallet into bank account?
No. You cannot make any transfers from mywallet.