How can I cancel an order in Tolexo?
You can cancel your order by calling +91 8282828282 or by dropping a mail to [email protected].
What is the delivery charge?
On all orders above Rs. 1000, you can get free shipping. For orders below Rs. 1000 you need to pay a delivery charge of Rs. 50.
How can I get discounts and stuff at low prices?
Tolexocomes up often with sales and clearance fests that allow you to grab tools at crazy discounts. Checkout if the item you want to buy is there in the Half price store, hot deals and other sections.
Please note that you cannot apply any coupon when you select COD option. So its better you pay online and get the discount.
Some insights and advice:
Even though Tolexo has many coupons, the maximum discount you will be getting is 10%. The order value may change – but ultimately the % off is the same. You will be finding coupons for orders below Rs. 500 , below Rs. 1000, below Rs. 2000 etc.
Best coupon for orders below Rs. 1000 - DEAL10
Best coupon for BULK orders –DEAL250
Best coupon for orders in the price range Rs. 1000- 2000 – DEAL10
How can return something?
To initiate the process of returns, you need to contact tolexo customer care
+91 8282 8282 82. Once you raise a replacement request Tolexo will pick up and replace the item free of cost. Just make sure that the packaging is right.
How much time does it take to deliver?
Tolexo usually takes 2-3 business days to deliver your products. However, it may vary from seller to seller.